The 7 Top Reasons to Market with Direct Mail
It is Powerful: A decade ago, postal mailboxes were overflowing. Today it's the spam boxes and email trash bins that are filled to the brim with your unread messages. Today's direct mail campaigns truly stand out, with more than 70 percent of recipients reading all their postal mail on the day it is delivered.
It is Persuasive: Electronic media cannot deliver the persuasiveness of words and images in print, essential for high payoff campaigns.
It is Precise: Direct mail is the only way to be sure of reaching specific households or businesses in your targeted geographic area.
It is Personal: If you want to have a relationship with your customers, donors or supporters, direct mail provides the most believable personal communications.
It is Acted Upon: That's why direct mail remains the medium of choice for most philanthropies, political campaigns and many small businesses.
It is Measurable: You can track your responses and returns with maximum accuracy.
It is Preferred by your Audience: More than twice as many online donors say they were prompted to give an online gift in response to a direct mail appeal.


The key to every sucessful direct mail campaign is an impactful, attractive and effective printed piece that delivers your message and presents your organization in a way that will have the maximum impact on your target audience.

Creative Services -- the writing, design, and production qualities that carry your messages -- will always be a key factor in all of your campaigns.

Whether you are mailing a one-page letter, a simple 4-page brochure, or a major print campaign, direct mail, like every marketing medium, has its own unique art and science that is rooted in billions of dollars of market research into the effectiviness of different styles of language and design that has been proven to motivate and inspire audiences.

3Gen engages the services of top creative professionals who are ongoing students of that research, and who know what works and what does not work in effectively motiviating your direct mail audience.

Project managers with decades of experience working with top corporations and advertising agencies will work with you to analyze your organizational goals and will create writing and design that will truly make a difference.

The creative can make all the difference
Specializing in fundraising, political campaigns and new products